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Now to make an effective use of farm accounts in GoTC?

Let's assume you already know how to create alt(s) for farming in GoTC (and if you don't, I'll make a separate post explaining how to do it).

Now that you have an alt, the question is "how do I fill it with resources for farming"? There is a whole range of possibilities.

1. Opportunistic 

GoTC developers seem to introduce bugs daily, but when things go really bad, they issue "sorry me bad" freebies. Just during 2 months preceding this post, they issued 100K gold for making  the game nearly unplayable for a week, 1200K gold/day for disabling daily quests for 2+ weeks and 5 mil boxed food as a compensation for disastrous "sacrifice your troops to the Night Watch" event. May be it is not much for a player, especially a big player, but it is something. And if you happened to have an active alt at the moment of the freebies were issued, you may get twice as much. And if you have more than one, it may become quite interesting.
Of course, there are better strategies than sitting and waiting for a drop of goodies from the game developers,  but if you can afford keeping multiple alts accessible even after you done with their primary role, go for it - next time WB sends "sorry" gift, you can collect it as many times as many alts you have available.

2. Using event rewards

Research and Building events are scored and rewarded in a way that it is very easy for a newly created keep to complete, yet you get noticeable rewards - 2K gold for each, in addition to some rewards you can get from quests, Additionally, you get a teleport to deliver your farm where you want it. And another good characteristic of this option - you do not really need any fancy type of alt for this - you create account form scratch, spend about 10-15 minutes and get farm with about 4-5 mil rss ready to be harvested. 

For both types events you need to get your farm to keep level 5 in order to get an advanced teleport.
You do not need to follow Tyrion's quest or execute daily quest tasks, but you do need to pick up rewards from them when they are available - it gives you some rss, bit of gold and speedups necessary to complete the event in 10 minutes. You may speedup everything in sequence below, but it make sense not to speedup "10 min 30 sec" build times and use 30 seconds tail to collect quest rewards rather than pause between the builds. 

Here is what you need to upgrade to get to keep level 5 exactly:

Keep level 2
When you see Baelish quest to join an alliance, do it - it is another 200 gold
War camp level 1,2
Barrack level 2
Watchtower level 2
Wall level 2
Keep level 3
Sawmill level 2,3
Range level 1,2,3
Storehouse level 2,3
Wall level 3
Keep level 4
Medic Tent level 1,2,3,4
Maester Tower level 1,2,3,4 
Watchtower 3,4
TrapMaker 1,2,3,4
Wall 4
Keep 5 

If there is a building event, pick you event rewards as you go. By the time you get keep level 5, you will finish the event, collecting 2K gold among other rewards, and get an advanced teleport.

If there is a research event, after you started Wall upgrade to level 4 or Keep upgrade to level 5, you need to complete research event.

First, speed up through all 5-min researches in Military, Defense and Economy trees. You will end up with these trees looking like this:

Once this is done, you need to speedup through 6 5-min technologies in Logistic tree, speedup 25-min "Endurance 2" and start ""Endurance 3"(do not speedup it). Your logistic tree  should look like this:

This is enough to finish research event and get another 2K gold. 

CORRECTION1: in spring 2019 rewards for research events and reward points were changed, and pattern above does not give you completed event. It can be fixed relatively easily: speed up the last research above, build a dragon pit and research a single available item in dragon->hatchling tree. It will bring whooping 25k points, enough to finish new research event. 
Note also, that gold you are getting is noticeably less than it used to be - just over 1K. 
CORRECTION2: for a triple event it is possible (although annoying) to finish training event too. Rewards from research contain enough speedups for that. Logic is fairly simple: build/upgrade all 4 war camps to level 5, upgrade barracks too and train with speedups about 2650 T2 infantry - it should be about right to finish training event on the lowest tier and get another 1.5K gold.

Congratulations, your quick snack farm is ready - faster than you can make a meal in real life. Farm it out, deliver where you want it and pop the bubble! Refer to section "how to prepare the farm for the harvesting" below to make sure you did not miss anything.

This type of farms may be well used to get large amounts if you work as a team. Find 5-6-7 teammates, and follow the drill: make one farm each and deliver to player 1 in a rapid sequence; once he is done harvesting, repeat for the player 2 etc. With 5-6 players and double event each will get about 25 mil rss in 1.5 - 2 hours. 

3. Race to keep level 10

There is an excellent manual at, that explains in details how to get about 7 mil of food and 8 mil of wood in 5 days. It is much longer than using the event, and requires ability to return to your alt multiple times during 5 days - but reward is much higher, and this option can be used at any time, not depending on the events schedule. Also, by the time your alt is keep 10, you have second teleport which provides you additional flexibility.
I will not repeat the instructions from the references article, except one, which is universally applicable to any farm:

How to prepare the farm for the harvesting

To prepare for feeding, you need to complete the following actions:
  • Use gold to buy desired resources
  • If you have a shrine, use all prayer candles and spend as much of remaining gold as possible on prayers - often forgotten step 
  • Empty all wood, food, and stone resource boxes.
  • Review entire inventory for/expend any other resources, especially house prestige - often forgotten step
  • Dismiss army (cavalry, infantry, ranged, and siege)

Once you have dismissed the army and positioned/teleported the alt next to the recipient, it is time to pop the bubble on a nearby keep (look for an inactive one, they are all over the map. Don’t send a scout at one of the big allegiances, they will track it back and take your resources and beat you up for your lunch money!). Then, attack until it is empty and then port it away when it is emptied.

4. Use gift and rewards of your alliance

Unlike options 2 and 3 that are cyclical in nature and require restarting the farm account from level 1 every time, this option is based on the relatively long-living account: usually few weeks. The idea is simple: you make your farm-to-be alt a member of your alliance. Any alliance gifts and rewards alliance members get, your alt get too. 
All you need to do, is to log in to your alt account once a day and collect any gifts and rewards that became available. Do not forget daily rewards in tavern - they have valuables alike advanced teleports and gold.
Obviously, there is an important prerequisite: you must have alliance members who buy packs to get gifts, and alliance should be strong enough for event rewards to be noticeable. 
If you have it, you should accumulate rss in your farm rather quickly. When you are satisfied with the amounts, kick the alt out of the alliance, prepare it according to instructions above and enjoy! Make sure to share it with the team though - resources you have collected are essentially provided by the team, so they deserve their share.

5. Mix and match

With this said, it makes perfect sense to combine options when they become available. Want to make a race to keep level 10? Use an opportunity to get event rewards in one starts soon (do not speedup researches in this case because you have full day or two to complete research event without burning generic speedups). Also, if you start your race to keep 10 in the beginning of building event, 30% construction speedup from building event allows to reduce your time to keep 10 - from 5 to 3 days.
Want to add new alt to your alliance? Work a bit harder during first 5 days to complete race to keep 10 - when your shields expire, harvest at least open resources and but it back under banned to continue collecting goodies for as long as you want.   
