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Showing posts from April, 2019

Now to make an effective use of farm accounts in GoTC?

Let's assume you already know how to create alt(s) for farming in GoTC (and if you don't, I'll make a separate post explaining how to do it). Now that you have an alt, the question is "how do I fill it with resources for farming"? There is a whole range of possibilities. 1. Opportunistic  GoTC developers seem to introduce bugs daily, but when things go really bad, they issue "sorry me bad" freebies. Just during 2 months preceding this post, they issued 100K gold for making  the game nearly unplayable for a week, 1200K gold/day for disabling daily quests for 2+ weeks and 5 mil boxed food as a compensation for disastrous "sacrifice your troops to the Night Watch" event. May be it is not much for a player, especially a big player, but it is something. And if you happened to have an active alt at the moment of the freebies were issued, you may get twice as much. And if you have more than one, it may become quite interesting. Of course, ther